sengaje ak bkk link blog yg ade dlm browser ak
da lame da nmpk tp malas nk tekan..
rupe2nye blog tu kepunyaan :kau: antara org yg ak syg,yg suke give me hell but at same time makes me laugh:D
if u read this :kau:,
after reading them a lot smpi ak da rse btol2 cm stalker(ngek btol! seb baek blog :kau:,klu x ak dgn automaticnye jd stalker terhormat)
a lot of new things i know bout u..
couple of nice things quite some of bad things
it's normal for me to feel like tht,i hope u understand
tapi pada ak as long as :kau: still on "jalan yg benar"
ak xkn halang ko, tp jgn salahkn ak klu ak tgk ko dr jauh sbb itu tanggungjawab ak
ak xrase ko akn bace bnde nh tp cukup sekadar ak bole nk luahkan perasaan(lgpon nh la tugas blog kn!)
special thx to blogspot nh sbb mncipta ruang agr ak dapat mengenali :kau: dgn lbh dekat(klu x tau la cmne nk knal ko,da ko sengap sangat!)
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