da lme x beblog
bz with exam
as usual ak menulis bila otak da mula serabut
dulu ak ckp psl green light
lps da lame, ak pon xpasti
PELIK, nape kamu xbole?
susa sgt ea..bkn nk compare tp biasanya org nak je,plus nk selalu
kamu je xnak..
SEDEYH, ak bkn pilihan pertama,
kte mereka bukan no satu
tp tindakan x menunjukan ape yg dikatakan
KELIRU, nak selesai cmne
ape2 care pon macam xberjaya
NAK TAU SGT2, ape sbnarnye dalam fikiran kamu...
KeMbaLi senYUm..:D
after going through mcm2 scenes just in one day one night berakhir la nightmare yg menyebabkn ak berada dlm dilemma
..Failing to choose which way is better
..Thinking wat would happen if i take the road not taken
..thinking whether the road taken is right for me
Last night was the hardest moment in my 20years life..i never thought tht this will be a real hard thing to deal with..i thought my heart is as hard as stone..it doesnot like what it seems to look from the outside..
at last..with the thought of me ,with alittle thought of him,as what he say..i made the decision:
i choose green light.forever green light.
Tp dgn beberape syarat.
yg ak pasti, akn dilaksanakn..
..Failing to choose which way is better
..Thinking wat would happen if i take the road not taken
..thinking whether the road taken is right for me
Last night was the hardest moment in my 20years life..i never thought tht this will be a real hard thing to deal with..i thought my heart is as hard as stone..it doesnot like what it seems to look from the outside..
at last..with the thought of me ,with alittle thought of him,as what he say..i made the decision:
i choose green light.forever green light.
Tp dgn beberape syarat.
yg ak pasti, akn dilaksanakn..
siLent TrEatmEnt :(
sape je suke kna silent treatment
ak phm,
kes kli ini, ak yg stat(mmg slalu ak yg stat pon)
msti mangsanye tu xpuas ati kn..
tp pemangsa pon bknnye happy sgt pon
pemangsa tu tau bnde nh xbest tp...
pemangsa nh xtau nk wat pe
otak pemangsa nh pon da serabut,sewel,tecabut skru,dll.
pemangsa jd bingung dan buntu
mslhnye pemangsa tatau punca kejadian
pemangsa nk btolkn keadaan
tp pemangsa tatau yg mne better; baik utk pemangsa dan mangsanye
pemangsa ade dua pilihan setakat ni
same ade amik lampu hijau atau lampu merah
tp skrg nh jugak pemangsa mati enjin kat tengah2 nk amik dua2 lampu pon xley
yg MAHA ESA je tau..
yang MAHA ESA lg MAHA PENGAMPUN, please help me..
ak phm,
kes kli ini, ak yg stat(mmg slalu ak yg stat pon)
msti mangsanye tu xpuas ati kn..
tp pemangsa pon bknnye happy sgt pon
pemangsa tu tau bnde nh xbest tp...
pemangsa nh xtau nk wat pe
otak pemangsa nh pon da serabut,sewel,tecabut skru,dll.
pemangsa jd bingung dan buntu
mslhnye pemangsa tatau punca kejadian
pemangsa nk btolkn keadaan
tp pemangsa tatau yg mne better; baik utk pemangsa dan mangsanye
pemangsa ade dua pilihan setakat ni
same ade amik lampu hijau atau lampu merah
tp skrg nh jugak pemangsa mati enjin kat tengah2 nk amik dua2 lampu pon xley
yg MAHA ESA je tau..
yang MAHA ESA lg MAHA PENGAMPUN, please help me..
;)cmni rupenye ko...
sengaje ak bkk link blog yg ade dlm browser ak
da lame da nmpk tp malas nk tekan..
rupe2nye blog tu kepunyaan :kau: antara org yg ak syg,yg suke give me hell but at same time makes me laugh:D
if u read this :kau:,
after reading them a lot smpi ak da rse btol2 cm stalker(ngek btol! seb baek blog :kau:,klu x ak dgn automaticnye jd stalker terhormat)
a lot of new things i know bout u..
couple of nice things quite some of bad things
it's normal for me to feel like tht,i hope u understand
tapi pada ak as long as :kau: still on "jalan yg benar"
ak xkn halang ko, tp jgn salahkn ak klu ak tgk ko dr jauh sbb itu tanggungjawab ak
ak xrase ko akn bace bnde nh tp cukup sekadar ak bole nk luahkan perasaan(lgpon nh la tugas blog kn!)
special thx to blogspot nh sbb mncipta ruang agr ak dapat mengenali :kau: dgn lbh dekat(klu x tau la cmne nk knal ko,da ko sengap sangat!)
da lame da nmpk tp malas nk tekan..
rupe2nye blog tu kepunyaan :kau: antara org yg ak syg,yg suke give me hell but at same time makes me laugh:D
if u read this :kau:,
after reading them a lot smpi ak da rse btol2 cm stalker(ngek btol! seb baek blog :kau:,klu x ak dgn automaticnye jd stalker terhormat)
a lot of new things i know bout u..
couple of nice things quite some of bad things
it's normal for me to feel like tht,i hope u understand
tapi pada ak as long as :kau: still on "jalan yg benar"
ak xkn halang ko, tp jgn salahkn ak klu ak tgk ko dr jauh sbb itu tanggungjawab ak
ak xrase ko akn bace bnde nh tp cukup sekadar ak bole nk luahkan perasaan(lgpon nh la tugas blog kn!)
special thx to blogspot nh sbb mncipta ruang agr ak dapat mengenali :kau: dgn lbh dekat(klu x tau la cmne nk knal ko,da ko sengap sangat!)
kEnAPe jADI cMNi???!
to dearest kamookamoo:
aritu for the very first time on FB after a while ak bce la wallpost oleh kamoo1
kamoo1 ckp "my existence no longer significant to u"
i'm shock!
xtau plak to tht extend beliau rse psl ak
ak xpnh ignored kamoo1 laa
cme ak kat cni sibok sgt3
nak pgg handphne pon jrg
tp ak tau ape pon alasan yg ak bg kat kamoo1
kamoo akn kate ak tipu
sdey tau x?
tapi ak xbley nk wat ape
ak n kamoo1 jauh
t klu ak jmpe kamoo kite talk ea?
and kepada kamoo2 ak harap kamoo2 trus stay neutral
ak mnx maaf sbb ape yg jd
ak syg kamoo suma
aritu for the very first time on FB after a while ak bce la wallpost oleh kamoo1
kamoo1 ckp "my existence no longer significant to u"
i'm shock!
xtau plak to tht extend beliau rse psl ak
ak xpnh ignored kamoo1 laa
cme ak kat cni sibok sgt3
nak pgg handphne pon jrg
tp ak tau ape pon alasan yg ak bg kat kamoo1
kamoo akn kate ak tipu
sdey tau x?
tapi ak xbley nk wat ape
ak n kamoo1 jauh
t klu ak jmpe kamoo kite talk ea?
and kepada kamoo2 ak harap kamoo2 trus stay neutral
ak mnx maaf sbb ape yg jd
ak syg kamoo suma
sAKit kAki!
today ade event dimana ak tlibat as tukang-jaga-makanan
'majlis rumah tbuka Physicians UMT'
penat kott!
oleh disebabkn ari raye kena la pakai baju kurung,pastu xcomplete la hidupku klu baju kurung without my WEDGES..ngee~
natijahnye, kaki ku sakit akibat berdiri selama byk2 jam
sebagai tugas menjaga makanan,
ak kena make sure xde pencuri makanan berdekatan(dorg nh pantang ade makanan lebeyh,suma dorg amik)
ak kena berdiri sepanjang majlis which is not best at all!
aktiviti yg len xdpt nk join :sdey:
best part of the day is when suma orang start packing nak balik
syok betol!
ak pon packing2 dan pulang berkaki ayam kerana xbole thn da kesakitan yg amat!
pengajaran: da tau nak kna wat keje menjaga makanan xyah la pkai wedges akibatnye merana badan..T-T
# laman coretanku da berubah wajah!cantik x?
## credits to annesoul dan mr.beetle yg berusaha menyusahkan diri mereka utk
menolong-->thanx a lot:)
'majlis rumah tbuka Physicians UMT'
penat kott!
oleh disebabkn ari raye kena la pakai baju kurung,pastu xcomplete la hidupku klu baju kurung without my WEDGES..ngee~
natijahnye, kaki ku sakit akibat berdiri selama byk2 jam
sebagai tugas menjaga makanan,
ak kena make sure xde pencuri makanan berdekatan(dorg nh pantang ade makanan lebeyh,suma dorg amik)
ak kena berdiri sepanjang majlis which is not best at all!
aktiviti yg len xdpt nk join :sdey:
best part of the day is when suma orang start packing nak balik
syok betol!
ak pon packing2 dan pulang berkaki ayam kerana xbole thn da kesakitan yg amat!
pengajaran: da tau nak kna wat keje menjaga makanan xyah la pkai wedges akibatnye merana badan..T-T
# laman coretanku da berubah wajah!cantik x?
## credits to annesoul dan mr.beetle yg berusaha menyusahkan diri mereka utk
menolong-->thanx a lot:)
Insan pertama yg bertakhta
Insan pertama yg ku cinta
Pernah membuat ku bahagia
Dia yg mengajarku erti rindu
Tidak ku duga permulaan yg jernih
Menjadi keruh dgn tiba2
Bisa rintangan antara ku dan dia
Cinta terhalang oleh orang tua
*dgr lagu kat utube..tetibe rase melancholic..T-T
**buat DIA terima kasih atas segalanya
Lagu: dia singer: fauziah latiff
Insan pertama yg bertakhta
Insan pertama yg ku cinta
Pernah membuat ku bahagia
Dia yg mengajarku erti rindu
Tidak ku duga permulaan yg jernih
Menjadi keruh dgn tiba2
Bisa rintangan antara ku dan dia
Cinta terhalang oleh orang tua
*dgr lagu kat utube..tetibe rase melancholic..T-T
**buat DIA terima kasih atas segalanya
Lagu: dia singer: fauziah latiff
hidup mcm dlm novel!~
pnh dgr sumtin like tht x?
Lg detail; life like a big stage, we humans r the actors n actresses..
Once heard this
Dunnoe who's quoting this :p
ak prcye bkn ak sorg rse cmni
Tahla, i believe at one point in our life kite akn realise tht quote tu agk tepat
We'll never know what happens in the future rite?when we finally realize all we can hope for is a chance to to turn back time..n we know nothing in this world can do tht..what's left is REGRET
xpnh ak rse regret tp i wish things would be better.,i wish people understand ,no judgement..
PENGAJARAN utk ak for the moment ialah percaye pade ur first instinct
Lg detail; life like a big stage, we humans r the actors n actresses..
Once heard this
Dunnoe who's quoting this :p
ak prcye bkn ak sorg rse cmni
Tahla, i believe at one point in our life kite akn realise tht quote tu agk tepat
We'll never know what happens in the future rite?when we finally realize all we can hope for is a chance to to turn back time..n we know nothing in this world can do tht..what's left is REGRET
xpnh ak rse regret tp i wish things would be better.,i wish people understand ,no judgement..
PENGAJARAN utk ak for the moment ialah percaye pade ur first instinct
konvo two
so sleepy tapi smngat nak type nh. today is one of the happiest day in my life.si die yang bernama mashimaro da jadi milik ku. got the best price n bought it without thinking twice. kat atas tu la pix die dgn baby ku no. 3, my beloved lappie. still thinking bout the name n i wanna it to be spontaneous straight from my head. pe ea??
pesta konvo da abs da pon. kak reen pon da graduate. booth srn pon da tutup. skrg nk kena fokus kat study plak.
srn kusyg tolongla bg mudah sket keaadaan utk kami.
momo'sforecast: lotslots of laughters n happy day
konvo one

sgt lth! kna plak jaga booth SRN. yg best booth ni jual BEAR. comel2 belaka. sy pon jatuh hati kat salah satu drpd mereka. die sgt putih. name die mashimaroo. terasa macam ada magnet menarik suruh beli die. suda lame berpikir dan bila tiba je saat nak keluar kertas kaler biru tu tetiba ade plak makhluk yang amik die. sebab sy yang tukang jual takkan lah pulak nak gado dgn makhluk itu. sy pandang je mashimaroo tu smpai la makhluk tu betol2 beli. sy da sedih da mase tu. lpas tu sorg senior kate ade lg. time tu harapan nak dapat macam banyak je skli nak order tade stok plak. ade jodoh kot sy dengan die. bsok sy dengan semangat baru pegi cari kat booth lain. ADE! taaapii mahal lah pulak. tape awk tunggu mashimaroo sy akn beli awk jgak. tenkiu kat mr. beetle sbb baik hati nak belikan sy mashimaroo tu. saayaang mr. beetle..
guess what...?!
huhu..blog?let,s give it a try..
caution: not suitable for people who r LAZY (look who's talking)
caution: not suitable for people who r LAZY (look who's talking)
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