love bye love :(

You know...
You...are already a mere memory.
I've...already gotten over you.

The phone that rang when time kissed with sadness,
I wasn't able to do anything for you when I heard your voice after you had cried, 'Don't cry, I understand everything. I'm sorry' the words I added,
The longing suppressed the love when you asked to break up

] When the color of our memories has faded, when it gets cloudy,
That's when I'll try to end my feelings of love,
Bye bye bye my love, bye bye bye my love,
Can you hear me? You hear me now

In my dreams, the tears dance;
When I open my eyes in the morning,
I wash your scent away,
I prepare while wearing new clothes,
As if I'm congratulating the first day of being alone

The music I can hear in the crowded street,
I can feel my heart stop beating today,
I wonder if I was always a good person towards you...
Our happy days which could not be stopped like the clouds

Every time, I guess the short time has put my heart in pain,
I guess I hurt you during the times you were crying,
The password of your house we used together,
I'm starting to forget it before your hands touch mine

Being hurt again by the love you have given me,
The grevious pain, a wanderer who wears an achromatic color,
The loser in the tears that could not be embraced,
Let's not ever experience a love like this

Although it's a beautiful day, why is that only tears fill my eyes?


streotyping is bad for ur health

weird kn how people slalu terpedaya sbb streotyping. byk kali aku tlibat dlm situation like's just plainly sucks! ini bkn la nk mngutuk atau menyatakan sape salah sape betol
ini hanyalah pandangan sematamata

dalam dunia globalisasi nh, still ramai yg closed-minded(cam nk wat krgn plak)
point yang nk aku state sini ialah


alkisahnye, mrA suke kat missB yang cantik dan bertudung labuh. mrA adalah seorang yang sempoi2, rmai kawan. mrA cbe mengorat missB tetapi disebabkan kawan missB slalu nmpk mrA dgn gurls maka dorg pon wat conclusion mrA, kapel2 nh kn xelok n so on.

oo bulatBulat oo says:
skrg nh, yg korg g cpt2 wat conclusion cmtu asal??kn bole knl2 dulu then bru decide.ini x blom ape2 nmpk org tu bercampur gaul sedikit da kate org tu jahat. xsemestinya bergaul tu mesti ade yg xsenonoh berlaku.cbe pikir jauh sikit. skg nh da salah plak laki pompuan nk kawan?? missB pon satu, bknnye mrA trus nk ajk kapel ke ape ke,nk kawan je kot tah2 niat die baik nk kawin trus elok tu.

biasa la manusia kn, yg jahat jela nmpk.aku sebagai seorang wanita yang sederhana nh(hehe.low-profile) rse agk kurg puas ati. setakat aku hidup aku rse, klu aku nmpk org yang sempoi2 nh,kdg2 lua je nmpk keras tough n all,tp kat dalam suci je.lg suci dr org yg dok skeptikal kat org len.

it's true tht ade je org xmksd suma jahat kn.yg penting review la diri sendiri dulu sebelom kte tuduh org len jahat.kte pon blom tntu baik lg.klu kte rse da baik sgt,tgk lg skli mne tau ade yg silap kte wat.jgn confident sgt.kte tuduh org tu tnpa usul periksa kn salah.

peace no war:)


sempena dgn kelahiran baru blog ini
post pertama is bout :dugeundugeundugeun:

keluarguku yang tercinta
pic nh disnap time raye tah bape tahun lepas..lupe oredy..hee
so, as u all can family consist of ayah, ma, along(myself), ashraf, aina, annura n aisyah.
kami siblings kalau x gado x sah. ironinye, gado smpi sepak terajang pon, setengah jam pastu elok balik.hehe
nak wat cmne.each of us mempunyai kelebihan iaitu bercakap dgn kuat smpi jiran pon bole dgr dan bersuare lantang tp soh public speaking takot smpi gigil2..hahah
tapi kami sume anak yang baik..kui3 (yeke??)

membe rapat time PASUM dulu smpi skrg pon..
susa nk jmpe dorg as dorg suma tinggal kat KL, aku kat yang penting ak tau ak saaayaaang kat dorg..dorg pon saaayanng giler kat aku..wee~
SPAMMIES wait for me eaa..t ak da pindah KL kite hangout 2geda eaa..time tu ambik ko,aku cte xstop2 smpi korg nak muntah dgr cte ak sorg..huahua

lg satu,
grup yang terdiri drpd aini,anor,ayuni,mum
membe rapat kat tganu nh
klu xde dorg nh sape la nk dgr ak membebel story2 ak yg xpnh xde nh..
grup kitorg yang bising ni mampu myakitkn kepala org yang mendengar kami smbg2..sori org2 sekalian..tis is us!we rule!

byk lagi special person dalam hidup aku
nadia,liyana,rizi,mazni, mr.beetle, mr.spidey banyak2 lagi
and byk2 arigatoo kat kamoo2 yg sanggup being there anytime,anywhere for me.
without u all mumtazah atiqah bkn la mumtazah atiqah yang skrg nh

last but least,


new looks!


anne jasmine thx alot for ur help..weee~
my dearest blog got new looks all thx to eni..i lap u..only gratitude i can give to you..xley demand2 eaa..

now, bru ade smgnt nak berblog..
even bz skli pon i promise i akn berblog sbb eni da susa pyh redo my blog..




td blogwalking..waa, jeles korg2 nyer blog mmg power2 blaka
dunnow whether ade org read ke post aku
tp kepada sape yg bace..i seriously need help..

blogging nh mmg aku mnt,tulis2 nh aku suke la jgk
tp satu weakness aku, iaitu ak xreti nk cntikkn blog aku
so as u all can see
my blog sgtlaaa buruk
mase pon xde nk repair

eni! aku tau ko bce blog aku (even kdg2)
tolong laa repairkn blog nh..aku xreti..
klu x xde mood nk tulis..sdey4

klu ade sape yg baik ati nk help me..sgt2 la dialu-alukan..

the end